The First Mate  

Karen Sherry is the First Mate of the vessel Bushwacker.

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In the dink at AI

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In the past 12 years she has really shown her colors and is a very important part of the crew.
As the captain is writing this she is out in the cockpit fishing. She even cuts her own bait. What a woman!

Our 12 years together have been great. She didn't even object to the picture in the Delta section.


Some early pictures:
She also has a GREAT sense of humor. Here she is pinching my bud Robert's nipples:

Karen relaxing on the boat, and at the Monterey Aquarium.


Hey not only does she bait her own hooks, but she cleans the fish she catches.


She loves sailing too.  She has a slight problem when coming into port, however, as she has
been known to turn heads and cause head-on collisions.  We therefore recommend that if you
sail with her, you require her to wear her docking hair.
The only problem is that she might make YOU wear docking hair too.