Destination: The Delta 5-28-96
The Delta is a popular
destination for the Bushwacker.
We make this trip every year and
spend at least 10 days there.
We were there this year from June
28th 1996 to July 5th 1996. Look for us in
Potato Slough.
This year we had 9 boat in the flotilla and had a
great time. Pictures below:
Hang on Mr. Luke I'm going to
the delta as fast as we can go. Knee boarding is always a hit.
Karen insisted on going fishing and brother Bob was
happy to take her on the Seadoo.
Bob and Sheri relaxing with a cold one.
During a morning cruise we
found a sunk jet ski, Bob jumped in and we towed it to shore and
called the Coast Guard, as it seems some young girl did not know
how to tie a good knot.
Always remember rule #43. If you can't
tie a good knot, tie allot of them!
After all the excitement we
stopped for a watermelon break, as we had no jello.
It was a very hot week and we
spent allot of time on the water, as did the rest of the gang.
Larry and Lisa on one of their many dink rides,
Hey nice dink!
Here is a look at the Bushwacker with all the toys.
Larry you need to learn to relax. Just kidding.