Moments of the Iraq War (or what's left of it)
Remember happier times?
The American's are not in Iraq
The American's are not storming Baghdad
Click on either picture above to hear more from our reporters on the scene
Chemical weapons?
New business are going up
The American's are here to see me???
The Horror of WAR!
The parochial elementary school
teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment:
Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.
The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their
The teacher asked, "Johnny, do you have a story to share?"
Johnny replied, "Yes, ma'am, my daddy told a story about my Aunt Karen.
She was a pilot in Desert Storm and her plane got hit. She had to bail out
over enemy territory and all she had was a small flask of whiskey, a
pistol and a survival knife. She drank the whiskey on the way down so it
wouldn't break, and then her parachute landed right in the middle of
twenty enemy troops.
She shot fifteen of them with the gun until she ran out of bullets, killed
four more with the knife, 'till the blade broke, then she killed the last
Iraqi with her bare hands."
"Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, "What kind of moral did your
daddy tell you from that horrible story?"
"Stay the hell away from Aunt Karen when she's been drinking."
Two Arabs boarded a flight out
of New York.
One sat in the window seat and the other sat in the middle seat.
Just before takeoff, an American got on and took the aisle seat.
After takeoff, the American kicked his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was
settling in when the Arab in the window seat said, I think I'll get up and
get a beer."
No problem," said the American, "I'll get it for you."
While he was gone, one of the Arabs picked up the American's shoe and spat
in it.
When he returned with the beer, the other Arab said, "That looks good, I
think I'll have one too."
Again, the American obligingly went to get it and while he was gone, the
other Arab picked up the other shoe and spat in it.
When the American returned to his seat, they all sat back and enjoyed the
As the plane was landing, the American slipped his feet into his shoes and
knew immediately what had happened.
He looked at the two Arabs and asked, "Why does it have to be this way?"
How long must this go on? This fighting between our nations? This hatred?
This animosity?
This spitting in shoes and pissing in beers?"