Well, we woke up today to find it pouring down
rain. So much for getting out of the marina and sailing to San
Francisco today! Hey wait, this will give us time to go to
CompUSA and buy some new games and Web editing software. Jeff
bought Microsoft FrontPage and "X-Wing v.s. Tie
Fighter" game. We spent 3 hours installing the crap only to
find out we needed joysticks to run the game. Damn! Looks like a
great game too!
This FrontPage software is extremely cool. We tried to use
NetObjects Fusion and got so frustrated we gave up and spent the
money on something written by real people, even if it did come
from the Evil Empire....
We sent the girls off to go get a movie so they would get out of
our hair. Wait here they come. Time to look like we need to
We went to the new theaters that all had THX sound, to see the new Jurassic Park The Lost World movie and have sushi.
Upon departing the next day, Lori's first goal was to review the Bushwacker training manual on way to the first destination.
From there we headed out to Pier 39 in San Francisco. What a day!
Jeff and I ran into Bugs and Wyle Coyote outside the Warners Brothers shop.
Afterwards Jeff insisted we all try on hats. Nice hat Jeff!
Next we went to the sign store and took police mug shots just incase we drank to much later and went to jail.
Dinner was great and Jeff and Lori were happy to be out. Odd or Even for the check?
Lukes new buddy. I hope he doesn't want to sleep in the front cabin with us.
Next we were off to Sausalito and a great day it was for a sail.
The following day we went to the Army Corps of Engineers "Bay Model"
A picture of the Bushwacker at anchor.