We left San Diego on Friday Night. 72 hours later we rolled through the Gate.
We did manage to find a few moments for pictures, when we weren't hanging on for dear life. Jamie was way to happy in this photo. Is that Ice Cream?
We even made new friends on this trip. John was nice enough to fly down from Oregon to help out. To be honest he probably had the best knowledge of the boat.
Some of the day watches were beautiful. The boat cruised along at about 8 knots, with sails up we were doing almost 10.
I was happy just having lots of competent crew with me. Life is sure easier with a lot of good sailing friends.
Hey Bill, don't get the red jack to close to shore. Even with Bill navigating we still made it. I noticed he had brought some Chinese money just in case.
At one point coming in the Gate, Jamie had to put on his jacket and harness and we had to fight our way in.
A look at the approach to the Gate.
Not to mention dodging cargo ships for the last 3 days.
My wife Karen was a real trooper, and didn't try to jump off the ship once.
John was happy to see the Gate, not to mention be alive.
A closer look at the Gate and San Francisco. Once inside it was a fight for the showers.
Another shot of the Gate.
What a camera Jeff has, look at this shot of the city.
And a shot of Amity coming under the Gate.
As we entered the Bay the scenery was beautiful.
We couldn't remove the grin from Barry's face.
The navigator was even un-chained from his station and allowed to roam the deck.
The crew Bill, Gary, Karen, Barry, John and Jamie.
Still friends after 72 hours.
Jamie doing a little clean up work on deck.
Amity in her new home in Alameda.
And a special thanks to all my friends that helped, it's because of you I needed a bigger boat.