Bushwacker ready for it's new paint job. She should be in the water next weekend.
We couldn't believe how many trips and boxes it took to move off the Bushwacker.
We packed for two weeks. You sure can collect a lot of stuff in 12 years.
After packing all morning, we headed down to Rogers going to Mexico party.
It is surprising how many friends you have when you fire up the BBQ. and tap the keg.
Jamie, good beer holder!
Good Luck Roger!
Mr. Luke was a regular at the keg, What a ladies man.
Group photo of the party goers.
Sunday was our final day on the Bushwacker. Karen and I lowered the flag. We will transfer it to the new ship next week.
One final look over before leaving.
The smile of a new boat owner.
The new owners of the Bushwacker or Black Pearl as they will rename her.