After the inside was completed we moved on to the rigging.
Jamie went up the stick, and half way up he froze, with a bad case of vertigo. After a few moments he continued and by the looks of the picture you can see he is up 75+ feet above the water. As captain I would have gone, but I was to busy cowering in the cabin. Great job Jamie and way to hang!
Barry, Karen and I had the easy job of feeding the new lines up the mast.
Here is a view of the area when we finished.
And a picture of the trusty winless that took Jamie to the top. The paint job really turned out nice.
A view looking back. That hatch cover is next on the list.
Picture of the cockpit and Karen's fine varnish job on the main gallows.
And an even closer look at the cockpit area.
One more forward. What the hell it's not like I'm using any film.
And the final look as we are leaving. After 9 days of working on her I'm ready to take her for a spin.