The weather in California is cold and rainy, so we leave for Maui for a week to see the sun
The weather is beautiful and we stay at the best hotel on the island The Grand Wailea
The hotel is first class all the way, click on the picture to go to the web site to see for yourself
Follow this link to see more pictures of the hotel
We spend one day out at
Molokini snorkeling and watching whales
Follow this link for more pictures
We spend another day hiking
driving to the top of Halekala
Follow this link for more pictures
Here are some pictures of us and KT and Troy on the trip
Troy was ready to get off the plane and get a cocktail
Look mom no laptop
It was 80+ and the pool was great!
There are 11+ pools all connected by water slides
No cell phone, No pager, No voicemail, and No rain!
Karen wanted to take this home for the back yard