Yes, the first big outing of the year and what a weekend it was!
Jeff just couldn't stay away
from racing so we had to run his 50+ MPH RC car around
the parking lot. Life was great till the Captain ran it under the only car in the parking
Hell we needed to get going anyway, so Karen gave us the checkered flag and off we went
We arrived on Friday around
noon and got the last spot left.
Don't you people have jobs?, Jeff yelled.
It was the fullest I had seen it on a Memorial Day weekend and it was only Friday
I had trouble getting good shots of the Bushwacker with all the lines in the way
The Coast Guard needed to check life jackets on this boat.
People were in the mood for summer. And summer weather we had
This guy really wanted out of the sun
This is the kind of weekend it was on the bay
When Abacus arrived we had to
do some creative maneuvering to get them in
Thanks to all the great sailors that helped pull that off
We did have our share of 911 emergencies (Bill would have loved it)
Anchor line in the prop
Out of gas. Dave beat us to this one.
Barry, Jeff and I walked the Island
And spent lots of time in the dink
Barry even found an old can crusher
And by Monday afternoon it felt like it was only Abacus and us left
The bay was still beautiful so off we went sailing
We went under full sail and towards the Gate
I know what your thinking
"Did he get enough shots of the boat"
No, not really....
I hope this is what the summer of 2000 is going to be like!