I have the boat hauled out in the morning and we celebrated Bill's birthday in the evening.
The Haul Out
(Sorry Bill, it's in chronological order)
They waited till the after noon winds picked up, so needless to say it took 7 guys.
The first concern was getting it up
As you can see it just made it out, that damn DSS dish was in the way
OK, now on to Bill's party
We went to play Bocce at Campo di Bocce in Los Gatos
Bill was surprised when he arrived to find Karen and I , Barry and Ann and Jeff waiting.
Beer, we need beer, and lots of it
A group shot right before we dined and dashed
Happy Birthday Bill.
As a special gift to Bill, I
gave him one year back....
(you would have had to been there and been drinking beer to get it)
Jamie has a new boat
Our Bushwacker spy satellite picked this shot up earlier in the week
as it made it's way up the Mexican coast
By the looks of the photo that's a Taswell 49,
still doesn't beat 53'
OH well, it's only about size if you have a big one and can show people