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Special News Flash:
5-21-01 Gatecrasher returns to the SF bay. 
And what a hell of a ride it was for Bill and I.
Only 4 hours 45 minutes from Monterey to MVYH

No more stinky fish or noisy seals.
Well unless you love those kinds of things

Mr. Luke was glad he missed that voyage

Now on to Memorial Day Weekend

Yes, it was that time of year again to start the sailing season.

Karen and I went over on Thursday evening, and were we glad we did.

We got one of the last spots left in the cove.

Don't these people have jobs?

A view from shore

This boat a Choey Lee 53 was just behind us. Nice boat!

On Saturday we went for a stroll around the island.

Unfortunately we had a little mishap and Karen fell and broke her leg.
So at no time will I ever do an ad for Teva walking sandals.


She is OK, but won't be doing much for 4-6 weeks.

Jamie and Elaine having some fun

A view from the top.

Barry and Dave

Relaxing with a beer

The Scheck's

Jamie and I. I think I was sucking on a lemon or something.

With Karen missing, it was up to me to feed the crew.
Where was Jeff when I needed him?

What a nice 4 days (except for the accident with Karen)
I guess it's back into the foul weather gear for the trip home