I apologize that I have not added some new material to the web site in some time.
Here is a quick snap shot of what we have been up to the last few months.
4-27-02: We hear
that the whales are moving down the coast so we take a drive to Monterey
and follow the coast up to see them. Overall we saw about 20 whales over a 7
hour period.
Moss landing Power plant
MBARI boat and Sub at Moss Landing
The light house at Pigeon Point
A little late on the shot... But you get the picture
5-12-02: Mothers Day BBQ at Sue and Charles house
Great food prepared by Charles the master chief
More group shots
Sue and Tommy and a group shot of Mom, Mike, Kim and I
Charles and Charlie
Jacuzzi fun and Mom
5-28-02: Dad comes out to visit for Memorial day
Dad, Sue and I and the boys
What a nice day and Charlie at the wheel
Charlie at Chevy's and me taking the kids for a ride
We also were on Wally's Stella Blue's maiden voyage. Here are some of the pictures
Hey look we are sailing. And nothing broke so that always makes it a good day
The boat received a sailing workout this weekend. Jeff and Lori also joined us for a few days
What a happy family Look Mom we are sailing in the estuary
No weekend would be complete without a little racing. Look
the Corvette in the lead again.
I am sure Bushwacker-racing.com has a different story on it
The marina will not be the same after Ed and Judy leave us for southern California next week.
Next stop, the Delta for the 4th of July