skullback.gif (41968 bytes)  Weekend of 7-26-2003    skullback.gif (41968 bytes)

Well this weekend Jamie, Steve and Anna join the river rats of the Delta for some R&R


The float has been a big hit. Let's see if we can keep it from getten taken like the one from last year.


Jamie back for weekend #2


Anna and Ann Anna enjoying the chair


Steve. Not sure if he's playing the air guitar or fishing


Luke using the Jedi mind trick on Barry to get a bone. Another stop at Wimpy's for burgers.


It was a beautiful day so I thought I would conduct a field test of "How much gas does the ski boat hold"?
I was successful in running it completely out we were able to get a tow and Jamie confirmed 28.5 gallons.


These birds were all over the ski's one even passed just over our heads


And of course what would a weekend be without another shot of the "Girls of the Delta"


Things have been going so well that we have decided to stay another month.

Follow This link for pictures from the weekend of 8-2 and 8-9-2003

Follow This link for pictures from the weekend of 8-16-2003

Follow This link for pictures from the weekend of 8-23-2003

Follow this link for pictures of the trip home