Front view of Dennis's house after dark.
We were on Tait Street in Los Gatos and all the neighbors do this each year
Some people went all out (like Dennis)
Yes, the gang was in rare form. Jeff, Michael, Lori, Gary and Barry
Group photo out front. Michael,
Susi, Dennis, Ann, and Barry
Susi and Dennis. Michael Susi and Barry
Jeff and Lori... Me and who knows?..
Jeff finally finds a straw after three margaritas. Jeff, Karl and I
Dennis and I taking a break for food. Ann and Karen
Front shots of Dennis's house. He did a great job of decorating.
Karen and I. Karl was dressed as a Volvo salesman. I think he even closed a deal at the party.
And seeing it was
Halloween, it was also our aniversary. Our 10th anniversary I might add.
10 years? It seams like only yesterday I was wearing my underwear on my head,
and playing my air guitar. Where have the years gone?