April 13th, 2005
Hopi Trails to All!
Lots of progress on
the remodel project. Building permit finally issued after 7 months, now
we can actually start WORKING on the damn thing! If only the weather would
Foundation being dug out before the torrential rain downpours.
Trying to cover 2 foot x 3 foot deep holes with plastic tarps DOES NOT WORK.
Do not waste time or money trying this at home.
Wine cellar being dug out.
Wine cellar dug out.
Foundation Framing
More foundation framing.
Inspecting the old electrical entrance panel. Should we keep it?
Heck no!! Karate kick it out the backside! Show that
panel who's boss.
Who's your daddy?
Perhaps we should cut the PG&E wires before we electrocute ourselves kicking in that entrance panel?
Yikes. Glad I'm not up there....
You do have medical insurance, right? Did you sign the High-Voltage Plan Addendum for Kaiser?
And he tells me he's afraid of heights. So am I but I'm not up there on that ladder....
New panel installed. Piece of pie. Easy as cake.
So there I was, driving down my driveway on the way to Home
Depot to buy fuses for the new electric panel.
And I see THIS thing come in for an emergency crash landing.....
Reminds me of a rescue mission out on the Delta with Tom at the helm....
And we all know how that ended up...
Not looking so good. Those power lines are AWFUL close spunky, don't ya
think? Time to ABORT!!! ABORT!!! RUN!!!
Time for a BLOW AND GO!!!
Danger, Danger, Will Robinson! Abort, Abort!! Deflate!! It's times like this when we need Gary's help to blow off a little steam.
I feel so much better after letting off a little steam.... dont you?
ALL better now, under control. No need to call the coast
guard at this point.
Now, where were we? Oh yeah, back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Concrete foundation right after being poured.
New master bedroom floor. Kitchen will be 2nd story above this.
New Garage. 4th bedroom will be above this structure.
New Garage.
Tony installing dining room ceiling beams and just happy to be
working at Hopi Trails.
Where is my tape measure?? Jeff, did you steal it again?