Haul Out 2005
I love taking these shots of the Bushwacker. It really shows how massive she is.
I have never hauled out at Svendsens because they thought the boat was too big for the travel lift,
That was until I meet Tim. He felt he could get it out even when all the others said NO WAY! Including me.
Look how close it
was, it did hit the VHF antenna but it bounced right back.
Just don't hit the satellite antenna (The dome).. We made it by 6" Great
job Tim!
Tim the travel lift MASTER! This guy made the difference between a great experience and a bad one. Thanks Tim.
Marty and I drilling the hole out. By next weekend the generator should be in.
I guess it did need a haul out anyway ..... Great pictures Karen
What another hole? Just lucky the placement was OK.
Karen refinishing the doors. She can make all the mess she wants to.
Here is the after shot of the prop. Looks like new.
Looking good, But we came here for a generator didn't we?
And there she was waiting for a lift...
The yard crew made it look easy, but they wouldn't let me help. :(
In without a scratch. I am really glad it fit. Marty threatened to use the sawzal if it didn't.
The generator is in and running. I
invited Jeff the power hog to test it Labor Day.
special thanks to Marty for putting the peddle to the metal and completing the
job quickly.
On time and on budget... Thanks Marty!
Bay Marine Diesel
Diesel Engine Repair
Marty Chin (510) 435-8870
When do the projects end? Never?
Last Saturday I got pissed off when
I couldn't take my propane tank over and get it filled.
Seems all the refill places to refill have closed and the last one isn't open on
I decided it was time to covert
everything to the exchangeable propane tanks.
Hell that way I do across the street to Albertsons and for $14.95 they give me a
full tank.
Ok Projects never end. I hit my
head on the big 13" tube TV in the V-berth.
About that time I relized how small they had become so I replaced it with a
thinner one.
Well I did get carried away and also added a DVD player