January 2006
Karen and I start looking for a new Delta toy for the summer and guess what we find?
We see this ad on eBay and it turns out that we were the high bidder.
The couple selling the Waverunners
live in LA and have kept great care of them.
Karen's brother Bob goes over and checks them out for us and gives up the green
Next thing I know we're in LA and after a short visit with Bob and Sheri we head home with the new boats.
Of course we can't wait to get them in the water so we take them to the lake right down the road from us.
It was raining and the fishermen looked as us like we were nuts... We are!
We were the only crazy people on the lake in the rain.
The Waverunners really performed well and they are so fast! I saw 55MPH a few times, can't wait till it's flat
On Sunday it was a different story. Sunny, hot, we even had a few others on the lake with us
What a day, we had most of the lake to ourselves
Even found a few good places to beach them
Yes, California where else could you do this in January? OK Delta we are ready