I hope this card finds your whole family well. Karen and I have had a busy year. Karen started working at West Marine back in December of 1999. Yes, the same West Marine people I spend thousand of dollars with every year. But now with our employee discount our dollar goes further, not to mention Karen is learning all the fine details of boating and how things work. I started the year off changing jobs, but before the job change we needed a little vacation. In March we went to Mexico with Barry and Ann Graf. We rented a car and spent two weeks exploring the area around Puerto Valletta. We had a great time. This was a very mild and dry summer for California, so we were also able to take several long sailing weekend voyages out to Angel Island and Treasure Island. Karen broke her leg on our Memorial Day trip to Angel Island and the Rangers had to take her to the mainland hospital emergency room. The boat remained at the island while Barry and I took care of her. Mr. Luke had to wait on the boat with Jamie and Elaine to care for him until we returned. Her leg is much better now, but no more skiing for her. This summer, we also finished several upgrades to the Bushwacker, our Spencer 53 ketch (a big sailboat with two masts, for you landlubbers). She looks great! In November, Karen and I celebrated our 9-year anniversary and went to Las Vegas with Barry and Ann. Can you believe it has been 9 years? Many of you were at our wedding. “And they said it wouldn’t last”. We had a great time in Las Vegas and we didn’t lose any money either. We went to Hoover Dam and saw Siegfried and Roy at the Las Vegas Mirage. We enjoyed Thanksgiving this year with Karen’s Mom. Brother Bob and Sheri put on their yearly Great Feast at their house. I think we both gained 5 pounds. We even managed to spend the day at Disneyland. If you would like to see more of our adventures visit our web site at www.bushwacker.net
Happy Holidays, Love always The Sherry’s, Gary, Karen and Luke