The Racecar, Phase 4
Paint and Graphics
Here's what I think the final version might look like.
The paint and graphics phase is, quite honestly, the most fun for me.
I love creating a cool looking car from scratch. Below are some graphics
renditions I've come up with based on the Bushwacker what else?) graphics I created.
Painshop Pro 5 is an absolute must have tool for doing these renditions. Its the
only tool I used to create all these renditions. Get it
![plain.jpg (26103 bytes)](plain.jpg)
First you start with the plain car. Add the body panels, a wing and
wheels and you're ready for graphics. The car above is actually Kirk Doberenze's 911 which
is pretty close to what I'm going to end up with. The front and rear flares will be
larger (9" and 11") but other than than, pretty close. Below are some
ideas I came up with by using various graphics I've either created or got from Phyllis at GT-Racing (I created their entre website, she did the
graphics). She's a GREAT graphics artist. The flag came from the what's new picture
on the GT-Racing site. Most of the changes below are to the wheels. Amazing
what a difference wheels can make to the overall look of the car.
![idea-bushwacker-yellow-techart-black2.jpg (38017 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-yellow-techart-black2.jpg)
Black TechArt wheels
![idea-bushwacker-yellow-techart-5spoke.jpg (37197 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-yellow-techart-5spoke.jpg)
5 spoke Techart wheels
![idea-bushwacker-yellow-fuchs.jpg (35415 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-yellow-fuchs.jpg)
Yellow Fuchs
![idea-bushwacker-yellow-techart-black.jpg (36361 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-yellow-techart-black.jpg)
Black Techart wheels
Now, what about white? Its what I thought I wanted until I saw how
cool yellow really is :)
![idea-bushwacker-white-techart-blk.jpg (29833 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-white-techart-blk.jpg)
Black TechArt wheels
![idea-bushwacker-white-techart-5spoke.jpg (30829 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-white-techart-5spoke.jpg)
5 spoke Techart Whls
![idea-bushwacker-white-fuchs-white.jpg (29810 bytes)](idea-bushwacker-white-fuchs-white.jpg)
White Fuchs
Now the trick will be to get these ideas translated into reality.
I'm not sure who I'm going to have paint the car but I have several options. The
objective here is to get a good paintjob and not spend a fortune. This car will be
on the track afterall, not a garage queen! The graphics I can get from the
same place that created the logos for the Bushwacker
and printed them on vinyl decals.