Delta 2004
Yes, you guessed it.... It's Delta time...
Karen, Dave and I
head out on Saturday morning. The wind was very light but we sailed all the way.
No kidding ask Dave, I'm serious no "Throttle Man stuff at all" We sailed all
the way.
Dave on Deck. Did we have enough GPS's? The boat has 9 of them now.
One of the 8 bridges we went under. . Good shot with all the sails up.
Look the Delta... And a big ass cargo ship to boot.
I pulled the ski boat right in
behind "The Gatecrasher???"
What was that fish killing machine doing here? Luke knew something
was up.
It was a great week to get in some varnishing and fishing. Karen caught 4 the first day.
Lost Isle looked funny mid week
before the party started. Nice boat.
I know what your thinking... Were are all the rescues and bikini's? Ok I'll get
to those.
This boat caught some water over the stern and sunk. We helped Boat US to re-float it
Ok a few shots around Mandeville Cut before the 4th
OK, some shots for the guys to keep them interested in the whole page...
OK, I think you get the point. It was a hot week......
The first thing Bill is going to
say about this shot is he could have put them together as one.
The Bailey's Kris. Macade, Bill and Cal
Bill with the BBQ in front of the motor home.
On Saturday
afternoon two motorcycles hit each other right in front of the Marina.
One of the guys had to be air lifted out.
Getting ready to take Gatecrasher out for the fireworks show.
Pictures from the weekends up to 7-30-2004. Follow this link
Pictures from the weekends up to 8-07-2004. Follow this link
Pictures from the weekends up to 8-28-2004. Follow this link
More pictures next weekend....
I am sorry to say
this year the Graf's missed the trip as Barry had to have his
Gallbladder removed. I am sure he would have rather been with us than in the
Get well Barry and come join us in August...
Barry is recovering well. Here is a picture with a comment from him:
This was taken 3 days after the surgery. Cut
is 7 inches long and 22 stitches.
It will take 6 weeks before I can lift anything over 5 lbs and 3 months until
I can crank winches and be back to my normal self which makes it the end of
September. But the good news the doctor gave me is that I will have all my
health back and can eat anything I want and take no further medication.
Now that Barry is better I had a few Hospital Jokes to share