Well the 42" Plasma TV went in so well I thought it was time to move on to the next project.
I knew with all the new toys that Jeff's power consumption would increase.
We had talk about adding a generator for a few years, so this weekend we decided to install the platform for it.
We thought we would start off with 1" plywood with 2X4 framing. Hell it only needed to support 400lbs
Barry could see we were having fun so he wanted to join in
Now the easy work was over it was time to glass it in place
I offered to go in the hole and finish the fiberglass but Jeff said I already had enough brain damage
The work was carefully inspected and it was even level
Jeff actually
enjoyed this project.
He was smiling as he thought of the excess power the 5KW generator would put
Could there finally be an end to the harassment?
Marty gives us the OK that it will fit
So the projects a go
I also replaced the generator fuel
tanks with brand new ones.
Come to think of it I replaced everything
This is much better. New tanks, Racor 500, independent battery, and fuel selector valves.
Next step is install the generator.....
And guess what arrives just before I leave on vacation?
I feel like a proud father...
Follow this link for the conclusion to the project