4th of July Vacation
It was just the moment I was waiting for. A month in the Delta.
The new Bushwacker was making her maiden voyage as the other Bushwacker's had
made before her.
We started off around Graf o'clock (just before 9am) on Saturday morning and headed for a 10 days in the Delta
Dave was gracious enough to join us for the trip up. Passing the BnB on the Brothers
Everything was going nice and smooth we even had time for sandwiches as we headed up passed Vallejo
Karen and I doing some bow riding
The wind was good and the boat was fast. I have the GPS to prove it. And at last we arrive in the Delta
When Abacus caught up to us we went out to Potato Slough for a few days
To keep this news section manageable, I have broken this section out into several sections
Follow this link for pictures of the Delta Bay Club
Follow This link for pictures at Potato Slough
Follow This link for pictures at Korth's "The Pirates Lair"
Follow this link for pictures of the trip home