"The Pirates Lair"
One of our favorite spots in the delta is Korth's "The Pirates Lair"
See the web site at http://www.korthsmarina.com/
Kip tells us his family designed this little paradise in the Delta after the Bushwacker theme
It is not an unusual sight to see a sea plane at the docks, not to mention the
finest crew of gas station
attendants in the Delta. Full service Fill em up and empty the garbage
Kip with Barry and Karen. Not to mention the best lawns, Luke's favorite place.
A shot of the pirate deck and the view of the place from the water. It just cries out fill up and get a burger!
Susi enjoying the lawn chairs. And of course any Corvette on the water deserves a picture.
Korth's still the nicest place on the Delta
Follow this link for pictures of the Delta Bay Club
Follow This link for pictures at Potato Slough
Follow this link for pictures of the trip home