The trip home photos
Most trips end with a nice smooth leisurely trip back to the barn.
ours.... It was two days of riding a bucking bull.
Most of us had seen worse, but it was worth it for the time we had in the Delta.
The Bushwacker cutting through it.
The deck was pretty dry and Karen and Luke had time to bag some rays.
Here we are taking the lead back. The Abacus arriving at Vallejo, the half way point.
Dave and I the next morning on the last leg. (of the trip). Coffee on the Abacus (non flovored)
The seas were a
little rough, and after this shot the Abacus decided to turn around.
My crew however would have no part of that. And no one barfed...
Here is what the Bushwacker looked like from the Abacus
The crew of the
Abacus made it back on the ferry.
Barry and Steve went again the next day when
things had calmed down.
In my normal mode I would have yelled out "chicken" or "pussy" but it was
Dave and Karen were a great help in getting the boat up and back. I could not
have done it without them.
A special thanks to Dave for all his help! Luke and Karen had to go....
Dave at the
helm. I could see home. That was a fun month and worth every minute of it.
I hope by next year the crew of the Abacus has forgotten about the return trip
so we go back again.
Follow this link for pictures of the Delta Bay Club
Follow This link for pictures at Potato Slough
Follow This link for pictures at Korth's "The Pirates Lair"