skullback.gif (41968 bytes)  Potato Slough   skullback.gif (41968 bytes)


We raised the warning label as soon as we pulled in. Ann doing some fishing


Christopher and Ann


Jamie and Elaine


The chain gang. Dennis look out for that last step.


See how happy you become on the water.... What's this?

Dennis and Susi


Karen... Dennis and Susi (Get a room) or cabin.


The girls still in their nities, ($10 to remove any picture) and a picture of the Abacus



Karen, Luke and I went for a ride to Tower Park. Planes are a common sight.


And guess what. We observed the Sheriff pulling another body out of the water.
Creepy 2nd body of the trip. The local paper says on average one person a weekend drowns during the summer.


More fishing and sun tanning


Karen with the biggest fish (still not a keeper). Bill Bailey decides he can't join us but does have time for a fly bye.


Exploring time in the dinks. Steve with another catch and release.


Anna on the BBQ and Ann doing some fishing.


Barry and Steve. Steve does hold the record for the smallest fish caught.

I did come to one conclusion about fishing.
We spent $450 on poles and licenses and caught $0 worth of fish.
I guess that's why they call it fishing and not catching...

The Delta is also full of Jet Skis this time of year.
You really have to watch what your doing and don't let yourself be distracted

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