Events on our about the year of 1996 follow: Dec 20th Crew of the Bushwacker leaves for Mexico to spend 2 weeks aboard the vessel Abacus. Click HERE for the highlights! OCT 28th The Webmaster goes berserk and completely redesigns the web site. Click here and tell him what you think about it or what you would like to see. OCT 24th The Captain goes berserk with the new Color Scanner! This guy just doesn't know when to stop buying toys. Check out these new links with updated pictures! Catalina, Freedom Rider, Amanda, Delta, Angel Island OCT 22nd !! The Aircraft Carrier Constellation was in Alameda for Fleet Week, so being the resourceful bunch we are we went on the VIP private tour. It was the best private 2 1/2 hour tour I have been on OCT 1st The Captain goes berserk with new Digital Camera! He wants to start "The Girls of Marina Village Section" on the site. Good thing Jeff has editorial control over all content on the site! Also, check out the all new Boat Buddies section!! We put our new scanner to work overtime. Be patient. We'll get you all in. Have your photos ready. SEPT 25th The Bushwacker Web Site is visited by over 100 people from as far away as Finland, Japan and Aruba! (where the heck is Aruba?) SEPT 21st The crew of the Bushwacker holds a going away party for the Graf's before they embark on their journey aboard the vessel Abacus down to Mexico. Watch here for pictures. Some of them may be censored by the captain. That should be fun... SEPT 20th The Captain exerts his captain's rights by having all obscene content on the Bushwacker Site deleted. Sorry Girls.
SEPT 14th The Bushwacker gets its own Web Site! On Sept 14th, a new site on the internet was launched. See the press release. Also, the Bushwacker Site gets its inaugural theme song. MAY 24 The crew took the Bushwacker on a nine day cruise around the bay. The trip had an unusual beginning, a tale to far fetched to believe. |
Damn, this site has been around for awhile....